CPA Terry Jackson is serving as SLT’s financial expert and advisor for the SLRC Master Plan and related EIR report. According to Jackson, the budget for the master plan as of December 2020 was $268 million. “At today's costs it would likely reach $300 million or more. There is no provision for funding a project of this magnitude. A bond issue through a
community facilities district would require the vote of two-thirds of the affected parties in the district.”
The construction could take up to 15 years, with more than 13,000 truck hauls moving
250,000 cubic yards of haul volume. Jackson concluded, ”In my opinion this unfunded project is excessive in scope and a poor allocation of financial resources. If we were to
ask the Department of Recreation and and Parks what they would do with a 300-milliondollar
capital improvement budget, I doubt they would say, ‘Let's spend it all in Silver