Pantry food distribution begins with sorting donations.
The Silver Lake Community Church (SLCC) food pantry has operated weekly since 2010.
It currently serves approximately 80-90 families per week (18,000 people a year.) And
these numbers do not include the unhoused population, which is served on Wednesdays
from 2:00 to 5:00 p.m. SLCC did not stop operating during the pandemic, and it’s still a
challenge to provide enough food, and necessities like diapers, clothes, blankets and
more to those in need.
"As usual, during the holidays we will have an increase in patrons, so the numbers could
go up in the next few weeks to over 125 families,“ said Stephanie Young, Silver Lake
Community Church’s office manager.
Young also noted that fresh produce, dairy products and proteins are scarce, and are
needed to keep the food pantry stocked for the hundreds of families assisted. For the
unhoused, easy-to-open cans, crackers, small cereals, protein bars, and items that don’t
need to be cooked or opened with a can opener, and don’t require refrigeration, are in
great demand.
To help during these very challenging times, please visit www.silverlakechurch.com.
Whatever you can donate will be truly appreciated.