As we all witnessed in real time, our neighbors to the east and west lives will never
be the same. Loved ones were lost to the unreal wind-fed flames and properties
were completely leveled. Angelenos will always remember where they were on
January 7th, 2025. Silver Lake Together shares our support and sympathy to all
whose lives were forever changed. And we so appreciate and thank the first responders based in Los Angeles County and those from Canada, Mexico, Oregon, Arizona, Northern and Central California, and other locales who came to our aid.
We who live in or near Silver Lake, are so blessed to have two wonderful bodies of
water to help protect our families and homes. It’s not if we will be faced with the
same natural disaster. It’s when. All the water in the world could not equal the
velocity of the winds our county experienced, but the subsequent fires that
threatened Mountain Gate, Mulholland, Griffith Park and Castaic, were quickly
controlled thanks to large, man-made and accessible bodies of water. Unfortunately,
due to climate change, these deadly, wind-driven fires will not be a once in a
generation experience: they will become much more common.
It wasn’t so long ago when there was a very loud minority of people calling for the
emptying of our wonderful Silver Lake and Ivanhoe Reservoirs, and to be replaced
with multi-million-dollar homes. The current Silver Lake Master Plan advocates for
the spending of up to five hundred million dollars, and 20 years of off and on
construction to drastically “reimagine” the reservoirs, including temporary draining.
Let’s stop the madness. Let’s all take a deep breath and be grateful that when a wildfire hits our urban community, tucked deep into our topography, the LAFD will
have the tools to aggressively protect our lives and property.
Supplies and donations are still needed. Please continue to provide help by donating