Los Angeles Metro has discontinued the 201 bus line that connects Silver Lake with
surrounding communities, including Glendale, and other transportation services. While the LA Metro website boasts “Metro is relentlessly focused on making your bus system better,” many bus riders and community members strongly disagree, citing concerns about essential workers, students and non-drivers who rely on the bus for work, school and personal errands.
SLNC Co-chair Anthony Crump, who is also deputy executive director, community
relations, for L.A. Metro, defended the elimination of the 201 in a Next Door post. “Overall the plan provides more frequent service on routes and realigns routes based on ridership and destinations. Silver Lake still has bus service on Rowena, Sunset and Fletcher.”
Next Door members reacted strongly to Crump’s post. As one member wrote, “(This) will
make it extremely difficult for domestic workers who can't afford to use Lyft or own a car…
Read the 201 line elimination notice here.
Visit https://mybus.metro.net to see additional bus line changes.
Concerned about losing bus service? Email editor@silverlaketogether.com