Senior Lead Officer Jose Ramirez reminds us that the 2022 LAPD Northeast Division Toy
Drive is underway. Toys for 3- to 12-year-old girls or boys can be dropped off at the
Northeast Station, 3353 North San Fernando Road. Last year, Northeast gave away 600
toys. The 2022 goal is to give away 1,000 toys during a holiday party that includes
refreshments, holiday games and music and, of course, the opportunity to meet with L.A.
city first responders. The toy give away festivities will take place December 17 at
Northeast Station. People may come to Northeast Station to register their kids to get a toy.
Parents must show proof that they live in the Northeast Division.
And on a more serious note, here are crime stats for Northeast from November 6 to
November 12:
Homicide: 0
Rape: 1
Robbery: 2
Aggravated Assaults: 3
Gang Crimes: 1
Shots Fired: 0
Victims Shot: 0
Burglary: 6
Theft: 9
Grand Theft Auto: 7
Burglary From Motor Vehicles: 34
Recovered Vehicles: 2
Violent Crimes: 2
Property Crimes: 11