The L.A. City Clerk released the non-certified results of the 2021 Silver Lake
Neighborhood Council election earlier this week, and the turnout was dismal. (Fewer than
340 people bothered to cast a ballot for the 27 candidates vying for 21 seats; in four of
Silver Lake’s seven regions (3, 4, 6 and 7 seats were pre-determined as only two
candidates ran.) If you subtract the 27 candidates from that number, the results are even
worse. This sad showing clearly indicates that the public was not impressed with the
limited number of candidates and one-sided positions offered in this election.
The results also demonstrate that the new board will be seated without a mandate from
the residents and stakeholders of Silver Lake. The vast majority of candidates supported
the more progressive policies of the Democratic Socialist Party and/or Silver Lake Rising.
Our question is: Will the new SLNC board, with its $40K budget, reflect the needs and
concerns of the majority of the Silver Lake residents or will it focus on national politics and
vanity projects? We will certainly keep our readers posted.
See the 2021 Silver Lake Neighborhood Council election results here.