At a recent Silver Lake Reservoirs Committee meeting the subject of how to improve the
community’s dog park came up — again. The fenced, off-leash park includes a separate
area for smaller pets and is located at 1893-1899 Silver Lake Boulevard. Although the
park is popular, users have a litany of common complaints: no grass, no shade, too much
fighting and biting. And although a survey conducted by Loyola Marymount University in
2019 showed respondents thought the “a place to… allow dogs off leash (28.34%)” was
the most important benefit of the reservoirs, significant improvements are still a work in
progress. Moreover, improvements suggested in the Reservoirs Complex Master Plan
would require closing the dog parks during the upgrades. The committee plans to look at
dog parks in other communities, such as Alice’s Dog Park in Pasadena, and report back.