If you’re heading northwest on Beverly
Blvd., just north of Virgil, you are yards
away from entering our wonderful
community of Silver Lake. But that small
stretch of sidewalks has turned into a
pathetic example of how CD 13’s
Councilmember Hugo Soto-Martinez is
failing residents, businesses and those who
are living on the streets.
The ever-growing homeless encampment is
a disgrace and beyond disgusting. The growing filth, vermin, crime and disorder are
beyond the pale, and still nothing is being done to clean it up. What is the council
member waiting for? A murder of an incident pedestrian, motorist or trespasser?
How can he close his eyes to the inhumane conditions he allows to grow and
Councilmember Soto-Martinez, PLEASE DO SOMETHING!
Council District 13 has been contacted repeatedly by residents, businesses, and
neighborhood groups about this situation, and they have stated the situation is
difficult to solve. While the Council District does clean the area monthly, the time has
come for a permanent solution for those who live in the encampments and the
residents of our neighborhood.
We urge residents concerned about this area to make those concerns known to
Councilmember Hugo Soto-Martinez’ Homelessness Deputies office below:
Michael Batistick
Senior Homelessness Deputy
Kylie Jansen
Homelessness Deputy