Approximately 34 people made public comments during the October 26 Board of
Engineering EIR meeting. Nineteen speakers chose Alternative #1 (DO NOTHING). Ten
speakers approved the proposed plans in the EIR. Four speakers chose Alternatives 2
and/or 3. One person made a comment, but didn’t state their position. In summary: of the
33 attendees who expressed an opinion, the majority were AGAINST the SLRC Master
Plan EIR. And if you were to include those who chose the less detrimental alternatives, it
is safe to say the overwhelming majority of attendees are AGAINST most if not all features
of the EIR as it is proposed, consistent with the public’s opinion since 2019. Yet the
unwanted project appears to be moving forward for a city council vote in 2023; residents
be damned.
Several attendees pointed out that there are countless communities in Los Angeles that
are truly “park poor,” with little or no access to parks or green spaces. Silver Lake, on the
other hand, is known for its easy access to numerous parks, including the existing Rec
Center, Bellevue Park, the L.A. River and Griffith Park. Speakers suggested that the
massive funds that would be devoted to the Reservoirs Complex would be more equitably
spent elsewhere. As one attendee pointed out, the community needs to think about “what
we want or would like versus what Silver Lake truly needs.”
Read the options in the EIR here.
Send your comments to SLRCMP Draft EIR Comments. The comment period has been extended to December 2.
As the BOE’s EIR states: the proposed project would result in significant and unavoidable
impacts as itemized below:
Noise during construction and during operation for special events
Vibration during construction
Closures to the Silver Lake Reservoirs Complex due to secondary impacts associated with noise during construction and during operation for special events
Cumulative noise during construction and during operation for special events