Although the Los Feliz Ledger recently stated that the City of Los Angeles may raise the cost that non-applicants pay to file land use appeals from $89 to a staggering $16,097, that’s only one side of the story. Architect, SLT co-founder and co-chair of Silver Lake’s Urban and Preservation Committee Scott Plante reports the Department of City Planning is proposing a more reasonable fee increase, from $89 to $161. Scott’s deep dive into the fee proposals and process explains how a $16,097 fee would make it extremely costly – if not impossible – for community members to bring appeals on projects they believe don’t fit in their neighborhoods. The Ledger also reported that CD 4 Councilmember Nithya Raman has not decided how she will vote and whether she supports a $16,097 appeal fee.
Read the analysis here.
