At its February 1 meeting, the Silver Lake Neighborhood Council (SLNC) is scheduled to
discuss and vote on an Urban Design and Preservation Committee (UDP) motion “to send
a letter of non-support of the Silver Lake Reservoir Complex Master Plan Project Draft
Environmental Impact Report (DEIR).” If passed, the letter would be sent to LA
Department of Public Works, Bureau of Engineering, LA Department of Recreation and
Parks, LA Planning Department, and CD 4 and CD 13. Members of the UDP committee
voted to send the motion to the SLNC in November 2022.
On November 14, attendees at a Silver Lake Reservoirs Committee meeting
overwhelmingly voted to submit a similar letter to the local neighborhood council, voting 80
yes to 6 no to require the SLNC governing board to hold a special community meeting to
discuss the SLRC DEIR before taking a position. That motion has not appeared on a
SLNC agenda.