According to Silver Lake’s Senior Lead Officer Jose Ramirez, “smash and grab” robberies
have come to Silver Lake, making this retail crime a hot topic for the month. Smash and
grabs are a growing concern for businesses across Los Angeles, posing a significant
threat to their safety and financial stability. These quick and violent attacks typically involve
criminals swiftly breaking into a store, stealing valuables and making a rapid escape.
However, by taking proactive measures businesses can significantly minimize the risk of
such an incidence.
Quick advice:
Establish essential security measures for deterring smash and grab robberies.
Minimize the amount of cash onsite.
Educate employees about potential risks and train them to respond appropriately in dangerous situations.
Establish strong partnerships with local law enforcement agencies and file police reports.
Be sure your business is well lit, both inside and outside.
The physical layout and displays within a business impact its vulnerability.
Be sure security cameras are clearly displayed inside and outside the business.
Have a prevention plan that includes several provisions.